Write DFO
Fisheries and Oceans Canada has extended the deadline for public submissions on the proposal to list some populations of Atlantic salmon under the Species at Risk Act.
The department will be recieving proposals until March 15th
Email submissions can be sent to: DFO.NCRSARAListing-InscriptionLEPRCN.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Key points
DFO's default position on Species at Risk Act listing is that the Minister will follow the recommendation of COSEWIC unless DFO staff can provide a compelling reason not to.
Part of DFO's listing process includes consulting with Canadians. DFO staff consider what they hear when giving advice to the minister. Please consider these four key points when making your submission.
Example submissions
Please share your submissions with ncrabbe@asf.ca and we will post them here to help other groups and individuals.